
Market Order

A type of order to buy or sell a security at the best available price in the current market.


A Market Order is a type of order to buy or sell a security at the best available price in the current market. It's designed to ensure quick execution but not a specific price, making it suitable for liquid markets where price slippage is minimal. Market orders are the most straightforward way to enter or exit a position in cryptocurrency trading.

Example 1.1

"If you place a market order to buy 100 shares of a stock, the order will be filled by matching it with the lowest price sellers until all 100 shares are bought."

Example 1.2

"On cryptocurrency exchanges, when you place a market order to buy BCH, the exchange automatically purchases coins at the lowest available ask price until your order is fulfilled."


Market Orders are subject to price slippage, especially in volatile or illiquid markets. This means the execution price may be different from the expected price when the order was placed, particularly for large orders. The depth of the order book directly impacts the extent of slippage experienced with market orders.

Example 2.1

"If you place a market order to buy a large amount of a thinly traded cryptocurrency, you may end up paying a higher price than expected due to lack of sufficient sell orders at the lower price levels."

Example 2.2

"During periods of high volatility, market orders for cryptocurrencies like BCH might execute at prices significantly different from what was displayed when the order was submitted, especially on exchanges with lower trading volumes."


Market Orders are often used when the priority is to execute the order quickly rather than to get a certain price. They are commonly used in strategies that require immediate execution, such as high-frequency trading, arbitrage, or during breaking news events that might significantly impact prices.

Example 3.1

"In a fast-moving market where prices are rapidly rising, a trader might use a market order to quickly buy a security before the price increases further."

Example 3.2

"When a major announcement positively affects BCH fundamentals, traders wanting to capitalize on the news might place market orders to ensure they don't miss out on the initial price movement, prioritizing position entry over optimal price execution."


Market Orders differ from Limit Orders, which specify a price limit at which the order must be executed. While Market Orders prioritize speed over price, Limit Orders prioritize price over speed. Understanding when to use each type is fundamental to effective trading strategy.

Example 4.1

"If you want to buy a stock but only at a specific price or better, you would place a limit order, not a market order."

Example 4.2

"When trading on BCH/USD pairs during high volatility, experienced traders often use limit orders instead of market orders to avoid slippage, even if it means risking that the order might not be filled if the market moves quickly."


Market Orders carry inherent risks, especially in cryptocurrency markets which can be less liquid than traditional markets. These risks include execution at unexpected prices, partial fills in illiquid markets, and potential manipulation in thinly traded markets.

Example 5.1

"During flash crashes, market orders can execute at extremely unfavorable prices as they match with whatever orders remain in the book after large sell-offs."

Example 5.2

"Some cryptocurrency exchanges implement circuit breakers or price protection mechanisms to prevent market orders from executing too far from the current market price, providing some protection against extreme slippage."

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